
Kapcharge serves as an online payment infrastructure, offering a comprehensive suite of software and APIs tailored for businesses of various sizes. Our technology empowers businesses to accept payments, facilitate payouts, and efficiently manage their financial transactions.

Through cutting-edge innovation, we automate the processing of both inbound and outbound payments. Kapcharge streamlines payment processing services by providing a unified API connecting businesses with the banking and payment ecosystem.

Our commitment lies in delivering the most secure and dependable payment processing service across Canada and the United States, supported by robust risk management and data analytics. With a fully integrated suite of payment solutions, we equip our customers with everything they need to handle payment acceptance and payout processes seamlessly.

Financial terminologies

Canada Description
Institution Number An institution number is the three-digit code assigned to each bank to uniquely identify it.
Transit Number A transit number is a 5-digit branch number that can be found on the bottom of your personal cheques.
Card Number Most of the credit cards and debit cards have a 16-digit unique number.
CVV The CVV(Card Verification Value) number is a three-digit or four-digit number depending on your card network.
Expiry Month The expiration date can be found on the card, written as XX/XX (month and year)pos.
Expiry Year The expiration date can be found on the card, written as XX/XX (month and year).

Bank Terminology

Kapcharge Payment Gateway

Transaction Types

Description Transaction Types
Collect Allows the transfer of funds from a customer's bank account to your merchant account. This transaction is completed in real time.
Pay Allows the transfer of funds from a merchant account directly to a customer's bank account. This transaction is completed in real time.

Payment Methods

Method Description Duration Send Transaction Request Transaction
EFT Electronic funds transfer between banks 3 times a day Yes Yes
Interac Online e-transfers, user receives an e-mail or SMS Immediately Yes Yes
Visa Direct Visa rails to push funds directly to visa card Immediately Yes No
V/MC Debit V/MC Debit payments/checkout to collect funds Immediately No Yes

Payment Methods Overview

API Specification

API Introduction

This technical integration specification document explains the KAPCHARGE Payment Gateway new API. It enables merchant systems to post real-time transaction requests to KAPCHARGE Payment Gateway.

This part of the documentation discusses the technical requirements for real-time integration only. For specifications relating to Batch File Uploading or using Virtual Terminals to create and send the transactions online, please refer to the other services of the Kapcharge.

API Specifics

Postman Collection

Follow these steps to quickly get started with the Kapcharge API:

Once you have access to your staging environment:

1) Download and install the Postman app

2) Install the Kapcharge Postman Collection. Click the "Run in Postman" button below to install

3) In Postman find the endpoint /OAuth GET AccessToken within Authentication folder, paste your api {{ClientID}} and {{ClientSecret}} and it's all set.

Run in Postman

Kapcharge Swagger API

Swagger API

OAuth GET AccessToken

Bearer Token Authorization is used for all API requests. Multiple API calls can be made securely without requiring authorization each time with a Bearer Token.


Authentication Payload


HTTP Request

Method: POST
Endpoint: {{Application URL}}/api/v1/OAuth/token

Make sure to replace {{Application URL}} with API Application URL as per the environment.

curl --location -g --request POST '{{Application URL}}/api/v1/OAuth/token' 

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "accessToken": "{JWT Token}",
    "tokenType": "Bearer",
    "expiresIn": 3600,
    "expiresOn": 1666298431

Parameter Type Mandatory
clientId String Yes
clientSecret String Yes


Parameter Description
accessToken The authorization token that needs to be used throughout the API request.
tokenType This will always be "Bearer" token type.
expiresIn This is token expiration time (seconds).
expiresOn This is token validation end-time (epoch time).

Transaction API for EFT & Interac

Create Transactions

Sample Request Payload

Sample Request Payload

        "MerchantId": "TEST_123-KC",    
        "Currency": "CAD",  
        "ClientReference": "JohnDoe",   
        "AmountInCents": 100,   
        "DueDate": "2023-01-13",    
        "TransactionFlow": "Debit",
        "TransactionMethod": "Interac",
        "IsInteracViaSMS": "true",  
        "Description":"Sample payload of a transaction",
        "Customer": {   
            "FirstName": "John",    
            "LastName": "Doe",  
            "CompanyName": "Sample Co",
            "AddressLine1": "1234 Est", 
            "AddressLine2": "App #208",    
            "City": "Montreal", 
            "Country": "CA",    
            "Province": "QC",   
            "PostalCode": "H3Z2H7", 
            "Email": "[email protected]",   
            "PhoneNumber": "6477891234" 
        "CustomerBankAccount": {    
            "InstitutionName": "ABC Bank",  
            "InstitutionNumber": "001", 
            "AccountNumber": "1234567", 
            "TransitNumber": "12345",   
            "AccountOwnershipType": "INDIVIDUAL"    
        "PaymentAuthentication": {
            "HasSecurityQuestionAndAnswer": true,
            "Question": "What colour is my shirt?",
            "Answer": "BLUERAIN"
        "DeviceInfo": {        
            "IpAddress": "",
            "DeviceFingerprint": "3p2yZ#WsyQQC99VANt6yxG7n6RU"        

HTTP Request

Method: POST
Endpoint: {{ Application Url }}/api/v1/transaction

ISO Country Codes

Transaction Request

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
MerchantId String Yes Merchant id (maximum 15 characters).
Currency String Yes Either "CAD" or "USD" only (maximum 3 characters).
ClientReference String Yes Client Reference (maximum 100 characters).
AmountInCents Integer Yes Transaction amount in cents.
DueDate String Yes Due date for the transaction (Format: YYYY-MM-DD).
TransactionFlow String Yes Either "Collect" or "Pay" only.
TransactionMethod String Yes Either "EFT" or "Interac" only.
IsInteracViaSMS String No The value should be "true" to send money via SMS and "false" by default.
Customer Object Yes Pass the Customer object with all the required details as seen in Customer below.
CustomerBankAccount Object Yes (EFT only) Pass the Customer Bank Account object with all the required details as seen in Customer Bank Account below.
PaymentAuthentication Object No Pass the PaymentAuthentication object with all the required details as seen in Payment Authentication below (Only when Transaction Method is Interac).
DeviceInfo Object No Pass the DeviceInfo object with all the required details as seen in Device Info below (Only when Transaction Method is Interac).


Parameter Type Mandatory EFT Mandatory Interac Description
FirstName String First Name of the customer (maximum 100 characters)
LastName String Last Name of the customer (maximum 100 characters)
CompanyName String Company Name of the customer (maximum 100 characters)
AddressLine1 String Billing Address Line 1 (maximum 255 characters)
AddressLine2 String Billing Address Line 2 (maximum 255 characters)
City String Billing address city (maximum 100 characters)
Country String Billing address country (maximum 4 characters)
Province String Billing address state/province (maximum 100 characters)
PostalCode String Billing address postal code (maximum 20 characters)
Email String Customer email (maximum 100 characters)
PhoneNumber String ✓* Phone number (maximum 50 characters, no special characters accepted)

Note: Customer First Name and Last name are required when AccountOwnershipType is INDIVIDUAL and Company Name is required when AccountOwnershipType is BUSINESS.

*Required for Interac when IsInteracViaSMS="true"

curl --location -g --request POST '{{ Application Url }}/api/v1/transaction' 

Make sure to replace {{Application Url}} with Application Url as per the environment. For any parameter related to Country ,please use the alpha-2 standard.
Follow the link below:
ISO Country Codes.

ISO Country Codes

The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Status Code : 200 OK

        "kapchargeTransactionId": 12345679,
        "clientReference": "JohnDoe",
        "transactionStatus": "Accepted",
        "transactionFlow": "Pay",
        "amountInCents": 100,
         "errors": [
                "message": ""

Status Code : 400 Bad Request

        "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
        "status": "400",
        "detail": "Please refer to the errors property for additional details.",
        "instance": "/api/v1/Transaction",
        "errors": {
            "[0].Customer.Province": [
               "The Province is required. Invalid Canadian province"

Status Code : 500 Internal Server Error

        "title": "An error has occured",
        "detail": "Please refer to the errors property for additional details",
        "status": 500,
        "errors": [
                "code": "InternalServerError",
                "message": "The Amount must be greater than 0.01.",
                "developerMessage": ""

Customer Bank Account (For EFT only)

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
InstitutionName string yes Customer Institution/Bank Name (maximum 100 characters).
InstitutionNumber string yes Customer Institution/Bank Number (maximum 3 characters).
AccountNumber string yes Customer Account Number (maximum 12 characters).
TransitNumber string yes Customer Transit Number (maximum 50 characters).
AccountOwnershipType string yes Either BUSINESS or INDIVIDUAL only.

Payment Authentication (For Interac Only)

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Question* String Yes The question for the user to process the interac request.
Answer* String Yes The answer for the user to process the interac request.

Device Info (For Interac Only)

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
IpAddress String Yes The IP address of the UserId, the sender, of the funds. Required if Accounts Payable with Interac, and peer-to-peer enabled.
DeviceFingerprint String Yes A unique identifier supplied by Kapcharge for DeviceFingerprint is always required.


Parameter Description
kapchargeTransactionId The unique transaction ID generated by Kapcharge.
clientReference Transaction reference provided by the client.
transactionStatus Refer KAPCHARGE Bank Status Response Codes here.
transactionFlow Either "Collect" or "Pay".
amountInCents Transaction amount in cents.
listOfErrors Error message (only when there is some error processing request).

Get a specific transaction

Get a specific transaction

curl --location -g --request GET '{{ Application Url }}/api/v1/transaction/12345679' 

Make sure to replace {{Application Url}} with Application Url as per the environment.

HTTP Request

Method: GET
Endpoint: {{ Application Url }}/api/v1/transaction/<TransactionID>

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "kapchargeTransactionId": 12345679,
    "clientReference": "SmithDoe",
    "transactionStatus": "Accepted",
    "transactionFlow": "Collect",
    "amountInCents": 200,
    "availabledate" : "2022-10-26T15:36:30.265Z",
    "declineddate" : "2022-10-27T15:36:30.265Z",
    "transactionEvents": [
            "eventDate": "2022-10-25T17:46:38.791Z",
            "eventType": "SUBMITTED",
            "description": "CREATED_BY_EFT_FILE_JOB"
            "eventDate": "2022-10-25T15:36:30.265Z",
            "eventType": "CREATED"

This endpoint retrieves a specific transaction request based on transaction id.


Parameter Description
kapchargeTransactionId The unique transaction ID generated by Kapcharge.
clientReference Transaction reference provided by the client.
transactionStatus Refer KAPCHARGE Bank Status Response Codes here.
transactionFlow Either "Collect" or "Pay".
amountInCents Transaction amount in cents.
availabledate Date that EFT transaction is settled to wallet.
declineddate Date that transaction was Returned or Declined.

Search transactions

Search transactions

curl --location -g --request GET '{{Application Url}}/api/v1/Transaction/search?MerchantId=mk2' 

Make sure to replace {{Application Url}} with Application Url as per the environment.

HTTP Request

Method: GET
Endpoint: {{ Application Url }}/api/v1/transaction/search?<>Parameters

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "results": [
            "createdDateTime": "2023-11-20T00:01:26.7179746",
            "availabledate" : "2022-10-26T15:36:30.265Z",
            "declineddate" : "2022-10-27T15:36:30.265Z",
            "merchantId": "KPC_211-TEST",
            "kapchargeTransactionId": 12648286,
            "clientReference": "232145214",
            "transactionStatus": "Accepted",
            "transactionFlow": "Pay",
            "amountInCents": 110,
            "customer": {
                "customerFullName": "CustomerFirstName CustomerLastName",
                "email": "[email protected]"
            "createdDateTime": "2023-11-20T00:01:25.0257408",
            "merchantId": "KPC_211-TEST",
            "kapchargeTransactionId": 12648285,
            "clientReference": "ScheduleTest",
            "transactionStatus": "Accepted",
            "transactionFlow": "Pay",
            "amountInCents": 110,
            "customer": {
                "customerFullName": "CustomerFirstName CustomerLastName",
                "email": "[email protected]"
    "currentPage": 1,
    "pageCount": 1,
    "pageSize": 10,
    "rowCount": 2,
    "firstRowOnPage": 1,
    "lastRowOnPage": 2

Get Transaction Request Parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
MerchantId String Yes Merchant id (maximum 15 characters).
Page Int No 1
PageSize Int No 10
CreatedDateTimeFrom DateTime No Transaction Created DateTime From (≥ selected 'From' date).
CreatedDateTimeTo DateTime No Transaction Created DateTime To (≤ selected 'To' date).
DeclinedDateTimeFrom DateTime No Transaction Declined DateTime From (≥ selected 'From' date).
DeclinedDateTimeTo DateTime No Transaction Declined DateTime To (≤ selected 'To' date).
TransactionFlow String No Either "Collect" or "Pay" only.
TransactionStatus String No Refer KAPCHARGE Bank Status Response Codes here.
Source Int No Refer KAPCHARGE Transaction Sources here.

KAPCHARGE Transaction Sources

Description Source Code Description
FILE 1 Indicates the transaction was created through File.
API 5 Indicates the transaction was created through API.
VT 6 Indicates the transaction was created through Virtual terminal.
ADR 7 Indicates the transaction was created through ADR.

Cancel a specific transaction

HTTP Request

Method: DELETE
Endpoint: {{Application Url}}/api/v1/transaction/<TransactionID>

HTTP Request

Method: DELETE
Endpoint: {{Application Url}}/api/v1/transaction/<TransactionID>

Delete a specific transaction

curl --location -g --request DELETE '{{Application Url}}/api/v1/transaction/12345679' 

Make sure to replace {{Application Url}} with Application Url as per the environment.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "kapchargeTransactionId": 12345679,
    "clientReference": "12345679",
    "transactionStatus": "Cancelled",
    "transactionFlow": "Collect",
    "amountInCents": 200

This endpoint deletes a specific transaction request based on transaction id.


Parameter Description
kapchargeTransactionId The unique transaction ID generated by Kapcharge.
clientReference Transaction reference provided by the client.
transactionStatus Refer KAPCHARGE Bank Status Response Codes here.
transactionFlow Either "Collect" or "Pay".
amountInCents Transaction amount in cents.

KAPCHARGE Transaction Status - EFT & Interac Payment Methods

Status Name Description Payment Method
Created Indicates the transaction was acknowledged by the bank/processor. Interac
Processing Indicates the transaction is being processed. EFT,Interac
Accepted Indicates the transaction was accepted by the bank/processor. EFT,Interac
Cancelled Indicates the transaction was cancelled by the merchant. EFT,Interac
Returned Indicates the transaction was returned by the bank. EFT
Declined Indicates the transaction was declined by the bank, processor or customer. Interac
TxnError Indicates the transaction has validation or connectivity error and was not successfully processed. EFT,Interac
Fraud Indicates the transaction was confirmed as Fraud by Kapcharge or Merchant. Interac
FraudBlock Indicates the transaction was flagged as a potential fraud transaction by Interac. Interac

Webhook for EFT Return


Overview of Webhook Configuration API: WebHook Configuration API step-by-Step Overview

The webhooks aim to give your organization a real-time update on returned transactions.

Update a Webhooks configuration for a specific merchant


Update Merchant Webhooks Configuration Payload

  "merchantId": "TEST_123-KC",
  "webhookEnabled": false,
  "webhookUrl": "",
  "webhookAuthenticationHeader": "TEST AUTH HEADER"

HTTP Request

Method: PUT
Endpoint: {{Application Url}}/api/v1/configuration


To enable webhooks, you must send the below information through the API.

Parameter Description
merchantId The unique merchant ID generated by Kapcharge.
webhookEnabled Boolean (true or false),true => Transaction Rejection notification => ON, false => Transaction Rejection notification => OFF.If ON => Notification will be received on the webhook url.
webhookUrl Merchant webhook url.
webhookAuthenticationHeader Merchant webhook authentication header.
curl --location -g --request PUT '{{Application Url}}/api/v1/configuration'

Make sure to replace {{Application Url}} with Application Url as per the environment.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "merchantId": "TEST_123-KC",
    "webhookEnabled": false,
    "webhookUrl": "",
    "webhookSecret": "{WebHookSecret}",
    "webhookAuthenticationHeader": "TEST AUTH HEADER",
    "oAuthClientId": "{ClientSecret}"

This endpoint updates a specific webhooks configuration request based on merchant id.


Parameter Description
merchantId The unique merchant ID generated by Kapcharge.
webhookEnabled Boolean (true or false),true => Transaction Rejection notification => ON, false => Transaction Rejection notification => OFF.If ON => Notification will be received on the webhook url.
webhookUrl Merchant webhook url.
webhookSecret Please refer to Contract or contact Account Manager to obtain.
webhookAuthenticationHeader Merchant webhook authentication header.
oAuthClientId Please refer to Contract or contact Account Manager to obtain.

Get Webhooks Configuration for a specific merchant

Identification When a URL is defined, Kapcharge will send a POST request each time there is a status change to "rejected".

HTTP Request

Method: GET
Endpoint: {{Application Url}}api/v1/configuration/<MerchantID>

curl --location -g --request GET '{{Application Url}}/api/v1/configuration/TEST_123-KC' 

Make sure to replace {{Application URL}} with Application URL as per the environment.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "merchantId": "TEST_123-KC",
    "webhookEnabled": false,
    "webhookUrl": "",
    "webhookSecret": "{WebHookSecret}",
    "webhookAuthenticationHeader": "TEST AUTH HEADER",
    "oAuthClientId": "{ClientSecret}"

This endpoint retrieves a specific webhooks configuration request based on merchant id.


Parameter Description
merchantId The unique merchant ID generated by Kapcharge.
webhookEnabled Boolean (true or false),true => Transaction Rejection notification => ON, false => Transaction Rejection notification => OFF.If ON => Notification will be received on the webhook url.
webhookUrl Merchant webhook url.
webhookSecret Please refer to Contract or contact Account Manager to obtain.
webhookAuthenticationHeader Merchant webhook authentication header.
oAuthClientId Please refer to Contract or contact Account Manager to obtain.

Webhook Return Notification

Configure using Webhook Config API

Webhook Return Notification

  "transactionId" : 12345678,
  "returnCode" : "{RETURN CODE}",
  "returnDateTime" : "{DATETIME}""

Kapcharge sends a return notification to merchants once a transaction is returned. The message body that merchants receive is as follows:

Webhook Return Notification - Test Simulator

This API is protected, which means the user needs to obtain an access token and include the token in the header when calling the API mentioned above. (like our other APIs).

curl --location -g --request POST '{{Application Url}}/api/v1/Transaction/return/12345678' 

Make sure to replace {{Application Url}} with Application Url as per the environment.

HTTP Request

Method: POST
Endpoint:{{Application Url}}/api/v1/Transaction/return/<TRANSACTION_ID>


The only input required is TRANSACTION_ID.


Webhook Return Notification

  "transactionId" : 12345678,
  "returnCode" : "{RETURN CODE}",
  "returnDateTime" : "{DATETIME}""

How it will work?


Transaction API for V/MC Debit & V Direct

Create V/MC Debit and Visa Direct Transactions for a new customer

V/MC Debit and Visa Direct transactions are executed with a different endpoint and authorization key for a new customer.

Name Description
Skyflow endpoint https://{{transaction_inbound_url}}/api/v1/transaction

Create V/MC Debit and Visa Direct Transactions

Create V/MC Debit and Visa Direct Transactions

        "MerchantId": "KPC_201-KPCHRG",
        "Currency": "CAD",
        "ClientReference": "referenceNewClient",
        "AmountInCents": "121",
        "DueDate": "2024-01-22",
        "TransactionFlow": "Collect",
        "TransactionMethod": "CreditCard",
        "Customer": {
            "FirstName": "Andrew",
            "LastName": "Torress",
            "AddressLine1": "888",
            "city": "ogoki",
            "country": "ca",
            "province": "QC",
            "postalcode": "j7c0n6",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "PhoneNumber": "5145551414"
        "CustomerCreditCard": {
            "Number": "4111111111111111",
            "ExpiryMonth": "12",
            "ExpiryYear": "27",
            "Cvv": "999"

HTTP Request

Method: POST
Endpoint: {{ transaction_inbound_url }}/api/v1/transaction

Transaction Request

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
MerchantId String Yes Merchant id (maximum 15 characters).
Currency String Yes Either "CAD" or "USD" only (maximum 3 characters).
ClientReference String Yes Client Reference (maximum 100 characters).
AmountInCents Integer Yes Transaction amount in cents.
DueDate String Yes Due date for the transaction (Format: YYYY-MM-DD).
TransactionFlow String Yes Either "Collect" for V/MC debit or "Pay" for VisaDirect.
TransactionMethod String Yes CreditCard or VisaDirect.
Customer Object Yes Pass the Customer object with all the required details as seen in Customer.
CustomerCreditCard Object Yes The V/MC Debit or Visa direct information of the customer.

Customer Credit Card

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Number String Yes Card number.
ExpiryMonth String Yes The 2 digits of card expiration month.
ExpiryYear String Yes The last 2 digits of card expiration year.
Cvv String Yes The 3-4 digits of Cvv (Card Verification Value) the security feature on credit cards

The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Status Code : 200 OK

        "amountInCents": 121,
        "clientReference": "referenceNewClient",
        "customer": {
            "creditCardToken": "4111115933501111",
            "customerFullName": "ANDREW TORRESS",
            "email": "[email protected]"
        "kapchargeTransactionId": 12676894,
        "responseCode": "100",
        "transactionFlow": "COLLECT",
        "transactionStatus": "Accepted"


Parameter Description
amountInCents Transaction amount in cents.
clientReference Transaction reference provided by the client.
Customer The Customer response information Object
kapchargeTransactionId The unique transaction ID generated by Kapcharge.
responseCode The response code of the transaction.
transactionFlow Either "Collect" for V/MC debit or "Pay" for VisaDirect.
transactionStatus Refer KAPCHARGE Bank Status Response Codes here.

Customer response information

Parameter Description
creditCardToken A token generated when a transaction is created for a new customer.
customerFullName The full name of the new created customer.
email The email of the new created customer.

KAPCHARGE Transaction Status - V/MC Debit & V Direct Payment Methods

Status Name Description
Processing Indicates the transaction is being processed.
Accepted Indicates the transaction was accepted by the processor.
Cancelled Indicates the transaction was cancelled by the merchant.
Declined Indicates the transaction was declined by the processor.
TxnError Indicates the transaction has validation or connectivity error and was not successfully processed.

Create V/MC Debit and Visa Direct Transactions for an existing customer

To create a V/MC Debit and Visa Direct transaction for an existing customer you need the creditCardToken generated when the first transaction for the customer was created. You only need to provide the creditCardToken in the CustomerCreditCard object if (ExpirationMonth, ExpiryYear, CVV, Number) are not send. You will use the Kapcharge endpoint to create a transaction for an existing customer.

Sample Request Payload

Sample Request Payload

        "MerchantId": "KPC_201-KPCHRG",
        "Currency": "CAD",
        "ClientReference": "referenceClient",
        "AmountInCents": "121",
        "DueDate": "2024-01-22",
        "TransactionFlow": "Collect",
        "TransactionMethod": "Collect",
        "Customer": {
            "FirstName": "Andrew",
            "LastName": "Torress",
            "AddressLine1": "888",
            "city": "ogoki",
            "country": "ca",
            "province": "QC",
            "postalcode": "j7c0n6",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "PhoneNumber": "5145551414"
        "CustomerCreditCard": {
            "Token": "4111115933501111",

HTTP Request

Method: POST
Endpoint: {{ Application URL }}/api/v1/transaction

Transaction Request

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
MerchantId String Yes Merchant id (maximum 15 characters).
Currency String Yes Either "CAD" or "USD" only (maximum 3 characters).
ClientReference String Yes Client Reference (maximum 100 characters).
AmountInCents Integer Yes Transaction amount in cents.
DueDate String Yes Due date for the transaction (Format: YYYY-MM-DD).
TransactionFlow String Yes Either "Collect" for V/MC debit or "Pay" for VisaDirect.
TransactionMethod String Yes CreditCard or VisaDirect.
Customer Object Yes Pass the Customer object with all the required details as seen in Customer.
CustomerCreditCard Object Yes the V/MC Debit or Visa direct information of the customer.

Customer Credit Card info

Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Token String Yes if (ExpirationMonth, ExpiryYear, CVV, Number) are not send The generated token provided after the creation of the first transaction for the customer.

The above command returns JSON structured like this: Status Code : 200 OK

        "kapchargeTransactionId": 12676894,
        "clientReference": "referenceClient",
        "transactionStatus": "Accepted",
        "transactionFlow": "COLLECT",
        "amountInCents": 121,   
         "customer": {
            "customerFullName": "ANDREW TORRESS",
            "email": "[email protected]",
             "creditCardToken": "4111115933501111",


Parameter Description
kapchargeTransactionId The unique transaction ID generated by Kapcharge.
clientReference Transaction reference provided by the client.
transactionStatus Refer KAPCHARGE Bank Status Response Codes here.
transactionFlow Either "Collect" for V/MC debit or "Pay" for VisaDirect.
amountInCents Transaction amount in cents.
Customer Customer response information Object.

Refund a transaction

You have the possibility to refund a customer by using the request bellow.

HTTP Request

Method: DELETE
Endpoint: {{Application Url}}/api/v1/transaction/refund/<TransactionID>

Refund a specific transaction

HTTP Request

Method: DELETE
Endpoint: {{Application Url}}/api/v1/transaction/refund/<TransactionID>

Refund a specific transaction

curl --location -g --request DELETE '{{Application Url}}/api/v1/transaction/refund/56345679' 

Make sure to replace {{Application Url}} with Application Url as per the environment.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "kapchargeTransactionId": 56345679,
    "transactionStatus": "Accepted",
    "transactionFlow": "Collect",
    "amountInCents": 200

This endpoint refund a specific transaction request based on transaction id.


Parameter Description
kapchargeTransactionId The unique transaction ID generated by Kapcharge.
transactionStatus Refer KAPCHARGE Bank Status Response Codes here.
transactionFlow Either "Collect" or "Pay".
amountInCents Transaction amount in cents.

Webhook for All Status Updates


Kapcharge now provides webhook notifications for all transaction statuses to enhance real-time transaction tracking and improve merchant experience. This allows merchants to receive updates for each transaction state, enabling them to react promptly and optimize their payment processing workflows.

Webhook Triggers for All Statuses

The system triggers webhook notifications for the following transaction statuses:

Payload Structure

The webhook payload includes the following fields:

Webhook Configuration API Updates

The PUT /api/v1/webhookConfiguration endpoint allows enabling webhooks for all statuses. The API supports an optional parameter to select which statuses the merchant wants to receive notifications for.

HTTP Request

Method: PUT
Endpoint: {{Application Url}}/api/v1/webhookConfiguration

Update Merchant Webhooks Configuration Payload

    "merchantId": "TEST_123-KC",
    "webhookEnabled": true,
    "webhookUrl": "",
    "webhookAuthenticationHeader": "TEST AUTH HEADER",
    "subscribedStatuses": ["Processing", "Accepted", "Returned"]


Parameter Type Mandatory Description
merchantId String Yes The unique merchant ID generated by Kapcharge.
webhookEnabled Boolean Yes true => Enable webhook notifications, false => Disable webhook notifications.
webhookUrl String Yes Merchant webhook URL.
webhookAuthenticationHeader String Yes Merchant webhook authentication header.
subscribedStatuses Array of Strings Yes List of transaction statuses for which the merchant wants to receive notifications.


    "id": 3,
    "merchantId": "TEST_123-KC",
    "webhookEnabled": true,
    "webhookUrl": "",
    "subscribeStatuses": [
    "creationDate_UTC": "2025-03-11T16:06:13.277",
    "lastUpdateDate_UTC": "2025-03-27T16:01:23.8065217Z"
Parameter Description
id The unique ID of the webhook configuration.
merchantId The unique merchant ID generated by Kapcharge.
webhookEnabled Boolean, true => Webhook notifications enabled, false => Webhook notifications disabled.
webhookUrl Merchant webhook URL.
subscribedStatuses List of transaction statuses for which the merchant will receive notifications.
creationDate_UTC The creation date of the webhook configuration in UTC.
lastUpdateDate_UTC The last update date of the webhook configuration in UTC.

Webhook message Body

The webhook message body includes the following fields:

    "status": "Accepted",
    "statusDescription": "Accepted",
    "changeDate": "2025-03-25T15:14:42.6848316-04:00",
    "transactionId": 12699593,
    "transactionMethod": "EFT"
Parameter Type Description
status String The current status of the transaction.
statusDescription String Human-readable description of the status.
changeDate DateTime Timestamp of the status update.
transactionId Integer Unique identifier for the transaction.
transactionMethod String The method of the transaction (e.g., EFT, Interac)

Decline Codes

EFT Decline Codes

Decline Code Description
900 Edit Reject
901 NSF (Debit Only)
902 Account not found
903 Payment Stopped/Recalled
905 Account Closed
907 No Debit Allowed
908 Funds Not Cleared (Debit Only)
909 Currency/Account Mismatch
910 Payor/Payee Deceased
911 Account Frozen
912 Invalid/Incorrect Account No.
914 Incorrect Payor/Payee Name
915 No Agreement Existed
916 Not According to Agreement - Personal
917 Agreement Revoked – Personal
918 No Confirmation/Pre-Notification – Personal
919 Not According to Agreement – Business
920 Agreement Revoked – Business
921 No Confirmation/Pre-Notification – Business
922 Customer Initiated Return
990 Institution in Default

Interac Decline Codes

Decline Code Description
800 Customer Declined
801 Deposit Failed
802 Security Answer Failure
803 Deposit Pending
804 Expired

V/MC Card Decline Codes

Decline Code Description
200 Transaction was declined by processor.
201 Do not honor.
202 Insufficient funds.
203 Over limit.
204 Transaction not allowed.
220 Incorrect payment information.
221 No such card issuer.
222 No card number on file with issuer.
223 Expired card.
224 Invalid expiration date.
225 Invalid card security code.
226 Invalid PIN.
240 Call issuer for further information.
250 Pick up card.
251 Lost card.
252 Stolen card.
253 Fraudulent card.
260 Declined with further instructions available. (See response text)
261 Declined-Stop all recurring payments.
262 Declined-Stop this recurring program.
263 Declined-Update cardholder data available.
264 Declined-Retry in a few days.
300 Transaction was rejected by gateway.
400 Transaction error returned by processor.
410 Invalid merchant configuration.
411 Merchant account is inactive.
420 Communication error.
421 Communication error with issuer.
430 Duplicate transaction at processor.
440 Processor format error.
441 Invalid transaction information.
460 Processor feature not available.
461 Unsupported card type.

Visa Direct Decline Codes:

Decline Code Description
01 Refer to card issuer
02 Refer to card issuers special conditions
03 Invalid merchant
04 Pick-up
05 Do not honor
06 Error
07 Pick-up card, special conditions
08 Honor with identification
09 Request in progress
10 Approved for partial amount
11 Approved (VIP)
12 Invalid transaction
13 Invalid amount
14 Invalid card number (no such number)
15 No such issuer
16 Approved, update track 3
17 Customer cancellation, reversal (unsupported)
18 Customer dispute, chargeback (future)
19 Re-enter transaction
20 Invalid response
21 No action taken, reversal (unsupported)
22 Suspected malfunction, reversal (unsupported)
23 Unacceptable transaction fee
24 File update not supported by receiver
25 Unable to locate record on file
26 Duplicate file update record, no action
27 File update field edit error
28 File update record locked out
29 File update not successful, contact acquirer
30 Format error (may also be a reversal)
31 Bank not supported by switch
32 Completed partially, reversal (unsupported)
33 Expired card, pick-up
34 Suspected fraud, pick-up
35 Card acceptor contact acquirer, pick-up
36 Restricted card, pick-up
37 Card acceptor call acquirer security, pick-up
38 Allowable PIN tries exceeded, pick-up
39 No credit account
40 Requested function not supported
41 Lost card, pick-up
42 No universal account
43 Stolen card, pick-up
44 No investment account
45 Reserved for ISO use
46 Reserved for ISO use
47 Reserved for ISO use
48 Reserved for ISO use
49 Reserved for ISO use
50 Reserved for ISO use
51 Insufficient funds
52 No checking account
53 No savings account
54 Expired card
55 Incorrect PIN
56 No card record
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58 Transaction not permitted to terminal (may also be a chargeback)
59 Suspected fraud
60 Card acceptor contact acquirer
61 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
62 Restricted card
63 Security violation (may also be a chargeback)
64 Original amount incorrect, reversal (unsupported)
65 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
66 Card acceptor call acquirer security
67 Hard capture, pick-up
68 Response received too late, reversal (unsupported)
69 Reserved for ISO
70 Reserved for ISO
71 Reserved for ISO
72 Reserved for ISO
73 Reserved for ISO
74 Reserved for ISO
75 Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
76 Key synchronization error (FIS)
77 Reserved for private use
78 Customer not eligible for POS (Star SM )
79 Invalid digital signature
80 Stale dated transaction (Star SM )
81 Issuer requested standin
82 Count exceeds limit (VISANet)
83 Reserved for private use
84 Time limit for pre-authorization reached (VISANet)
85 Issuer has no reason to decline the transaction (Account Verification)
86 Cannot verify PIN (VISANet)
87 Check already posted
88 Information not on file
89 Card verification value (CVV) verification failed (no pickup)
90 Cutoff is in progress
91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
92 Financial institution or intermediate network unknown for routing
93 Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law
94 Duplication transaction
95 Reconcile error
96 System malfunction
97 Reserved for national use
98 Reserved for national use
99 Card network fault error
0Z-9Z Reserved for ISO use
C2-E0 Reserved for national use (X9.2)
EZ-MZ Reserved for national use (X9.2)
N0 Authorization life cycle unacceptable
N1 Authorization life cycle expired
R2 Allowable PAN entries warning -- approved
R3 Approved with overdraft protection
R4 Bad CVV3
S0 Check not acceptable for cash
S1 Check not acceptable
S2 Check deposit limit exceeded
S3 Cash back limit exceeded
S4 Check amount does not match courtesy amount
S5 PIN not selected
S6 PIN already selected
S7 Unmatched voucher information
S8 Allowable PAN entries exceeded -- denial
S9 Expiration date mismatch
SA Inactive card
SB Expiration date mismatch (card pickup)
SC Item suspected for stop pay
SD Account closed
SE Ineligible account
SF Item submitted more than two times
SG No account on file - absolute
SH Unable to locate
SI General denial
SJ Item settled via ACH
SK Cross-reference card not found
SL Category limit exceeded
SM Transaction limit exceeded
SN Daily limit exceeded
SO Monthly limit exceeded
SP Invalid secret code
SQ PIN key sync error
SS Stop payment order
ST Revocation of authorization order
SV Stop reoccurring payments
T3 Lost card (no pickup)
T4 Closed account
T5 Dormant account
T6 Special conditions (no pick-up)
T7 Purchase only approval for purchase with cash back transaction.
T9 Insufficient funds for fees
TA ARQC validation failed for chip card
TB Unsafe PIN
U0-YZ Reserved for private use

For more details kindly refer to: Payments Canada (LIST OF RETURN REASON CODES ,Page 9-10) ^


The Kapcharge API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Invalid or expired access token.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not Found -- The specified endpoint could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access the endpoint with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The details requested has been removed from our servers.
429 Too Many Requests -- You reached your quota
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.